As the coronavirus quarantine restrictions continue, we all of a sudden find ourselves with free time on our hands… And a whole lot of it.
I’m as guilty as anyone for running my life at a thousand miles per hour. Days, weeks, months, even years seem to zoom past me, with me barely having enough time to glance out the window and take in the view. However, when people ask me what is new in my life… I often struggle to find an answer. So, how is it that we spend so much time buried in our routines of running around like lunatics… And yet, have very little to show for it?
Being quarantined is an opportunity to press the RESET button and really take focus of what’s important, and what we should purge from our lives. Here are some topics to consider: What can you stand to get rid of?
Food & Beverages: During times of abundance, we might have a list of foods that we “can’t live without.” This may include chocolate, processed snacks, or alcoholic beverages. However, as we’ve been forced to really streamline our trips to the grocery stores (and ponder what happens in the event that grocery stores close), we’ve been forced to think about what we actually need in our fridge, freezer, and pantry. Maybe you’re going to the grocery store and are stocking up on chocolate (and toilet paper), or maybe you’re focusing on making sure you have access to vegetables, fruits, healthy grains, protein, and water.
Clothing: Well, we always say that we’re going to spend time thinning out our closets, but either never get around to it, or think of reasons to hold onto an article of clothing that we haven’t worn in years. Yes, human beings are sentimental creatures, and thinning out our closets are hard! Maybe you wore a shirt on the first date with your significant other, but haven’t worn it since… Or you feel like there’s a “lucky” item in your closet, and if you get rid of it, your life will surely fall apart… Or you’re just holding on something because one day you might use it again. We all have excuses for holding onto things! But whenever I think about purging my closet, I think of my mother. On my parents’ 25th wedding anniversary, my mom’s best friend made her put on her wedding dress so that we could take family pictures. My mom was a good sport, we took the pictures, and then she quickly changed into something more comfortable. Shortly after, my parents sold their house and moved. My mom got rid of her wedding dress, as the lace was itchy and uncomfortable. Did my parents get divorced as a result? Did Mom’s life fall apart? Did she ever once regret her decision to move on from her wedding dress? To all of these questions, the answer is NO! So, if something is non-essential, get rid of it! It’s the Corona way! ;-)
Daily Routine: Many of us think that we rely on some external comfort to get us through the day or week, including things like stopping for a cup of coffee on the way to work, going to the gym, frequenting a favorite bar or restaurant, or socializing with a group of friends. However, with the quarantine restrictions put in place, most of us are not going to work, socializing is prohibited, and gyms, bars, and restaurants are closed. So, we’re forced to find a way around these restrictions in order to maintain some sense of normalcy (and sanity)… Maybe we’re making coffee instead of going out for it, or we’re cooking more at home, or we’re spending more time with family, or we’re getting out in the fresh air to exercise. Take the time now to develop positive habits that you can continue to implement, even after the quarantine is over!
Travel: Some of us say that we need to travel to quiet the “travel bug” that lives inside of us. I understand this, as I have family and friends spread all over the United States and I itch to travel around and see them. However, let’s try to reframe this, and be grateful that traveling is often an option. Feel guilt-free about missing the ability to travel right now, but when we are able to travel, let’s remember the time where we weren’t so that we can fully appreciate this luxury!
So, while we’ve all given up a lot during this unusual time… Try to take advantage of the things that you do have. Spend more time with the family members you live with, appreciate simple pleasures in life, allow yourself to rest GUILT-FREE, get out and smell the fresh air! And do all of this with an open, abundant heart.