There are many things that we can do… and not do… to help our immune and respiratory systems. By following these suggestions, we will be less at risk for developing diseases such as the common cold, flu, and Coronavirus.
Reduce sugar intake. White and brown sugar causes our bodies to be more acidic, which assists the growth of bacteria. Synthetic sugar alternatives (such as Splenda) are damaging to the nervous system and should always be avoided. Instead, use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, local honey, or coconut sugar.
Gargle with salt water after brushing your teeth. This will help clean your mouth and decrease probability that a pathogen will be able to penetrate the body.
Get a skin brush and start brushing your skin after you shower in the morning. This stimulates lymphatic circulation and increases energy and wellbeing. When you’re using this technique, always work towards the heart.
Apply essential oils before going out in public. This can be done in the form of an anti-viral massage oil (applied to the chest, neck, and lower arm areas) or an anti-viral “perfume” (applied directly below your nostrils). During the bubonic plague in the middle ages, essential oils prevented those who wore essential oils daily from becoming ravaged by the pandemic. Mix essential oils together to create an essential oil blend and mix with a high-quality olive oil, apricot seed oil, or jojoba oil. There should be about 30 drops of essential oils per ounce. The following essential oils have proven to be most effective for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory infections in early 2020:
Tea Tree
Cinnamon Leaf
Swab inside nostrils with vinegar if you need to go out in public. During the 1938 smallpox epidemic in China, Chinese medicine practitioners successfully swabbed their nostrils with vinegar before seeing afflicted patients.
Get plenty of sleep. Use this time of quarantine to rest! Spend more guilt-free time in bed. Being in a restful state is going to increase your body’s ability to heal. If your body is less burdened by chronic ailments, then your immune system will have more energy and support to prevent acute illnesses such as the common cold, flu, or Coronavirus.
Use of Chinese herbs has been proven effective in the prevention and treatment of Coronavirus and SARS strains during the coronavirus outbreak in mainland China. Please get in touch with me if you’re interested in pursuing this path.