Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, sterile, single-use needles into the skin.  When the body is disturbed - either by stress, trauma, a poor night's sleep, or something else - the body gets thrown out of whack.  Acupuncture taps into the nervous system and restores harmony between the mind, body, and spirit.  Acupuncture stimulates the body's ability to heal itself, which improves physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.  Different styles of acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Japanese) and different microsystems (auricular, abdominal, and scalp) may be used.  

Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture involves using the auricular microsystem to stimulate healing throughout the entire body.  This system has become well-known because a specific system (referred to as 'NADA') excels at managing and eliminating addiction.  This system is frequently used in drug rehabilitation centers.  

Moxibustion is a technique where an herb, mugwort, is used to warm acupuncture points.  The warmth penetrates into the body and accelerates healing.

Chinese Herbal Medicine combines plants, minerals, and animal products into a formula that is specific for you and your health concerns.  Chinese herbal medicine is often consumed internally, but can also be applied externally as well.  Chinese herbal medicine works at a deep internal level to improve your overall health and wellbeing, and helps maintain progress between acupuncture  treatments.  

Tui Na, or Chinese medical massage, is a specific type of massage that incorporates knowledge of the channels and meridians in which the acupuncture points reside.  Techniques such as gliding, kneading, percussing, pulling, rotating, rocking, vibrating, and shaking may be used.  Tui na can be used to work on a specific area, or can be used generally all over the body.  Therefore, this massage technique is therapeutic for all sorts of musculoskeletal issues, as well as regulating homeostasis in the body. 

Acupressure is acupuncture, minus the needles.  During acupressure, the same points that are used in acupuncture can be stimulated by applying pressure with tools or with a part of the body (commonly fingers and elbows).  Learning acupressure and performing it on yourself is a great way to feel empowered in achieving your health goals.  

Cupping creates a suction between glass cups and the skin to increase blood flow and promote healing.  

Gua Sha rubs a tool over a lubricated area of the body to facilitate blood circulation. 

Eastern Nutrition, also known as Eastern Dietary Therapy, provides individualized nutritional advice based on Chinese medicine principles and diagnoses.  Eastern nutrition believes that there is not a single diet that is perfect for everyone.  Recommendations are provided after considering your ailments, health goals, and the weather.  Chinese herbal medicine and Eastern nutrition use some of the same substances, such as ginger, peppermint, goji berries, and walnuts.

Qi Gong is an ancient form of gentle, meditative exercise that involves physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intention.  This may be stationary where the person stands still in a certain position, or with slow, focused movement.  The goal is to cultivate energy, which will help your body heal and remain well.  Daily practice cultivates wellness between the body, mind, and spirit and promotes longevity.

Tai ji quan is an internal form of martial art.  It is often described as “meditation through movement.”  It usually involves a series of gentle, flowing motions that are performed in a slow, focused, powerful manner.  Tai ji quan improves the physical health of the body, focuses and calms the mind, and, as a form of martial art, teaches physical protection. 

Lifestyle recommendations may also be provided according to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles.  These recommendations will help you work towards achieving your health goals to help you live at your best! 


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