Learn how you can benefit from acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine treatment!
Who are my patients? Generally, my patients have seen numerous Western Medical doctors and alternative medicine practitioners, often traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to seek out specialists. This has led them to undergoing a variety of diagnostic tests, invasive operations, and side effects from a number of pharmaceutical medications. They have suffered for years, and continue to feel dissatisfied with their lack of improvement. They want a safe, healthy, and effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and invasive surgeries.
As a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, I have been trained in the full Chinese Medical system. Eastern medical training is applied to Western medical objective measurements in order to improve overall health and wellbeing. I am well-versed in treating a broad variety of health concerns, just as any Western Medical doctor. I frequently combine modalities to provide you with the best outcome for our health concerns.
In addition, I encourage my patients to be active participants in their healing journey. This helps them reclaim power from their symptoms. To find out more about how you can heal yourself and take an active role in your healing journey, check out my book, From Passive to POWER: How to Reclaim your Life & Restore your Health.
Whatever you're going through, I'm here for you. Contact me for more information at: