Acupuncture is a minimally invasive technique that is considered to be very safe.  

A systematic review published by Adrian White in 2004 states, "the risk of serious events occurring in association with acupuncture is very low, below that of many common medical treatments." (White, A. 2004). A cumulative review of the range and incidence of significant adverse events associated with acupuncture. Acupuncture in Medicine, 22(3): 122-133. White, A. (2004). 

The full article can be found at:


A 2004 study (Birch, et al) stated that acupuncture is comparatively safe when administered by trained acupuncturists. (Birch, S, Hesselink, JK, Jonkman, FA, Hekker, TA and Bos, A. Clinical research on acupuncture. Part 1. What have reviews of the efficacy and safety of acupuncture told us so far? J Altern Complement Med, 2004, 10 (3): 468-480.)

The full article can be found at: